





The coverage for the 5th Exam scheduled for July 23, 2007 will be Modules 6 & 7

Module 6 Task List

Module 6 Task Sheet

1. Describe the gross and microscopic features of the superficial deep fasciae of the back.
2. Describe the muscles of the back as to origin, insertion, nerve supply and action.
2.1 Superficial Muscles
2.2 Intermediate Muscles
2.3 Deep Muscle
2.4 Triangles of the back (triangle of auscultation, lumbar triangle of Petit
3. Describe the blood supply of the back
3.1 Arterial Supply
3.2 Venous drainage
4. Describe the lymph drainage of the back
5. Describe the following:
5.1 Muscle tissue to include its characteristics, histologic types, and differences
5.2 The 3 types of muscle tissue if given descriptions or microscopic slides (including ultrastructure)
5.3 The mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction
5.3.1 The changes that occur in sarcomere during muscle contraction
5.3.2 The structures and proteins that play a role in muscle contraction
5.3.3 Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction to include events, the structural changes that occur and roles of structures and proteins in contraction
5.3.4 Muscle metabolism and its relevance to sports
6. Discuss the vertebral column
6.1 Identify the different segments
6.2 Identify parts of a vertebra
6.3 Differentiate a typical from an atypical vertebra of the different segments
6.4 Describe the important variations in the vertebra
6.5 Describe the different joints of the vertebral column
6.6 Identify the different normal curvatures of the vertebral column

Module 7 Task List

1. Discuss the structure of the scalp
1.1 Describe the layers of the scalp
1.2 Describe the dangerous areas of the scalp
2. Discuss the gross features of the head
2.1 Describe the surface landmarks of the head
2.2 Describe the parts of the bones of the skull
2.3 Describe the different paranasal sinuses
2.4 Give the important openings in the base of the skull and the structures that pass through them
2.5 Describe the gross anatomical features of the muscles of the head
2.6 Describe the dangerous area of the face
2.7 Describe the blood supply (arterial supply and venous drainage), lymphatic supply and nerve supply of the muscles of the head.
3. Discuss the gross features of the neck
3.1 Describe the surface landmarks of the neck
3.2 Describe the gross anatomical features of the muscles of the neck
3.3 Describe the main arteries, main veins, main lymph nodes and main nerves of the neck.
3.4 Describe the boundaries of the triangles of the neck and their respective contents
3.5 Describe the dangerous area of the neck